Trail improvements are now complete in Somersby Park. Hikers will notice the new steps to Dee’s Memorial Trail on Somersby Parkway.
These improvements join the new steps and railings installed on the upper end of Bonehead Ascension Trail and to the entrance of Bacchus’ Run Trail across from the intersection of Thistlewind Trail road.
The trails have also been treated to keep the trails clear of growth for the growing season. The work has been completed as part of the Common Area Committee work plan for 2020, approved by the Board and ratified in the budget at the annual meeting this year.
Residents should be aware that the upper part of Bacchus’ Run Trail on Somersby Parkway near the intersection of Ladys Fern Trail is not being improved at this time because of erosion further down the trail.
For all of us confined to our homes at this time due to COVID-19 health concerns, a nice walk involves Bonehead Ascension Trail beginning from the parking lot above the first pond and continues to the top of Bacchus’ Run Trail to Thistlewind Trail road. Proceed to the improved entrance way as Bacchus’ Run Trail continues into the woods. Enjoy the hike as it merges with Domber’s Sunset Trail to the lower end of Ladys Fern Trail. You can return either by the roads or loop back.
Thanks so much for these trails. It makes the walk up to Jump Off more interesting! Love walking in the woods!
Awesome!! Thank you so much for all the trail improvements. I’ve been enjoying the trails these past couple of months and really appreciate your efforts! The trails are a great asset to our beautiful community.